Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Lesson Learned While Flying Around

I wrote this blog entry a couple weeks ago on a flight home.  Since then I have had a chance to visit my doc and discovered I have either a torn meniscus (easy recovery, but harder the rest of my life since i lose more of my little meniscus) or my cartiledge on the end of my femur has become disattached (bad recover, better over all given my previous history). I had forgotten to post it until today as when I wrote it I did not have internet.  I hope you enjoy!

I will never cease to be amazed at how many every day coincidences and experiences are given to me in order for me to learn by my Heavenly Father. Today, once again, i had a lesson I needed to learn, or relearn, and He took care of creating the perfect situation for me to be in.

For those who don't know me , or don't know me well, a bit of background might be needed. About 9 years ago I was decorating a christmas tree for a local children's hospital to be auctioned off. After working on the bottom level, i tried to stand up, but found it impossible to do. My meniscus had been ripped in a almost complete circle, leaving only about 20-30% undamaged. The following years would bring multiple surgeries on both knees, leaving me with only a fraction of my cartilage and with pain as a near constant companion. For some unknown reason I had developed severe early onset osteoarthritis. I occasionally tear off bits and pieces of meniscus, and depending on the amount and location, this can just mean a few weeks of more pain, or it can mean yet another trip to my surgeon.

My knees recently have been doing better than i remember for years!! Recently i had the blessing of running a week long girls camp for nearly 300 girls for my church. I had been overwhelmed at the thought of this undertaking during the entire year long planning. I knew my knees would be an issue, and knew I would spend the week in pain. A funny thing happened there. I threw my cane (yes, I have one, and hate it!) in my truck for 'when i needed it.'  Camp began on Monday, and due to my responsibilites,  I don't recalling having an opportunity to sit down and relax until Thursday, and I even wore a pair of shoes out somehow with all my running. And yet, the most amazing part of the whole week was I didnt ever feel any discomfort or pain. I truly felt that was one of the biggest miracles of my life. Now, for my story's sake, we will jump back to my current life.

A few weeks ago my oldest daughter discovered there was a mansion/museum in Washington D.C.  filled with secret passages. She had been obsessed with secret passages for awhile, and such a find was a dream come true!! Since then she has been caught many a time telling different people about this mansion, and how she wanted to see it. Well, due to the fact that i have been blessed with a job that allows me to fly all around the country with no cost, this seemed to me to be a wish that I could give her. I scheduled the flight, found a friend to crash with (thank you Clara!), and got everything ready to give my daughter what I could (and hanging out with one of the sweetest 12 year old girls ever was just icing on the cake!). My sister, and her daughter were coming too. Nothing could be better in life! Until I started packing.

I was bending over to get some clothes, and felt that all familiar pain. It wasn't the pain of me predicting an in coming storm, or my general constant aches, but it was that pain where I am usually begging my doctor to get me in that afternoon, and we have usually scheduled my surgery for later that same week before the appointment finishes. I didnt know what to do. All of my plans had been made, and I didn't want to lose this opportunity to share this with my daughter. So I was left with one choice, and only one choice. I grabbed my cane, hobbled around the house to finish packing, and then headed off to the airport.

Between 3 different flights to get to Washington, and 4 different attempts to get from boston to washington reagan airport (oh, and due to the bumps, going through security a total of 6 times) my knee was getting worse, swelling and aching. But of course it is all worth it in my mind. On one of the flights, my sister, daughter, and niece all got on, leaving me alone at the airport. And this is when suddenly God decides to teach me.

I am standing by the desk at the gate, my family has boarded the flight, and I need a new boarding pass to try for the next flight. An older man asks me what is wrong with my knee, and I tell him the shortened version of my history and pain, and how I will be fine. He asks me to sit by him while we wait for the agent to get our tickets. (He too was attempting to get on that flight, and had gotten bumped like me.) As my knee is turning into a small pumpkin by this point, I gladly take the seat to relieve some pressure. He tells me that he has dealt with medical issues in the past. He tells me of his life, and how he has tried to become more christian, and how he prays for those whom he meets who are sick or injured, and he has seen people healed by Heavenly Fathers power. He bears his testimony of his savior, Jesus, and asks if I mind if he says a prayer for me.

To me, this is not a new concept. I have many times had blessings for medical issues, and many times for my knees. I have seen miracles where I can do things i knew were beyond my physical ability. But, I have also come to understand, that God doesn't take away all of our pain (not that I would argue if he decided to take this away!). He cares enough for me to allow me to grow. He leaves enough so I can remember others pain, and show them the same love and compassion that I am sometimes in need of. 

This kind older man says a prayer asking me to feel better, asking God to help me have the strength to continue on. The amazing thing is i feel a bit better, and a bit lighter. My knee still hurts, and that is okay. God wanted me to remember that he loves every one of us, regardless of religion. He has given us all blessings, and watches out for each of us. He wants us all to pray to him, and to keep our eyes open for those whom we can serve, in whatever ability we can. He wants us, who have a testimony and knowledge of his gospel and his son, to share it, even when it is with a complete stranger.

As I am now flying above the beautiful clouds, looking at this amazing earth he created for us, and listening to primary songs played on the piano, I am in awe. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to subside pain when I need that, for a Father who loves me enough to let me grow, and who is always willing to teach me, even when it involves a bit of pain. And I am grateful that there are so many others in my life who help me remember His love daily.