Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Thankful for the Benefit of a Doubt

There was an article on the news recently about panhandlers, and how some of them are scam artists, which has provoked a lot of discussion and thought.  We all know some people are trying to work the system, some are trying to get away with stuff that everyone knows they shouldn't, and not just in the world of panhandling.  That, sadly, is just a part of life. But, then again..

I have two favorite quotes. The first is attributed to Einstein, one of the smartest men in the world! Someone who could comprehend things that to most of us, well, we just don't have the ability to grasp.   Out of all the amazing, wonderful,  brain stumping things this man said, this one was in my mind, was one of the most brilliant things a man could say!  "I would rather be an optimist, and a fool, then a pessimist and right.".  In all his wonderings of the universe, his breakthroughs in science, and his mind opening discoveries, this is one thing he left the world with, that if we could grasp it a bit stronger, would make the world so much more amazing!  What if, instead of doubting and judging, instead of worrying about "what if they aren't worthy of my service or love?", what if instead the world just said, "ya know what? I hope they are honest, I hope they are good, and if they aren't, I hope my act of love or kindness brings them a bit closer to being good and honest!" Can you even begin to comprehend how the world would change? Can you imagine how, instead of people constantly trying to hurt each other, or trying to make themselves look better by criticizing others, instead  would be showing love? Instead of being upset that we are all different, that we have different beliefs, that we live differently, what if instead we celebrated that? What if we all took a step back, and instead of saying "I am right because of this, and you are wrong!", what if instead we simply tried to learn about one another's beliefs? What if we took teachings from them and learned how to be better ourselves even from the things we didn't quite believe in, but could still see value in? What if each of us always tried to look at each other through rose colored glasses, and decided to be optimistic (even if we were wrong) about all of our brothers and sisters? How would this change the world? I know, personally, as people think the best of me, I tend to try to become that! I strive towards it, even if I know they are wrong. I learn, and grow, and become a better person! Each person who has ever been optimistic in their judgment of me has helped me become a bit closer to that vision they had of me.  But at the same time, as we judge and criticize, I think we help people get a bit closer to being that negative image of themselves too.

The second quote is from the bible, Matthew 20:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.  Isn't that an awesome quote! One of the best ever! This is what is funny. I have heard people say they won't do this or they won't do that because what if the person is a liar? What if they really don't need it? The what if's can go on for days! But when Christ said this, He never said, "If you have done this unto one of the least of these, and they are honest, and they are nice, and Christian, and good mannered, and scrubbed behind their ears last night, and have never ignored a kitten who wanted to be pet, and they are perfect, well in that case, I will accept it as service." Nope! He didn't say that. He never said, "Why don't you use your best judgment, and help those who you think might really need it, and only those! Make sure you don't accidentally help the other people! I don't like them!" Funny, we were never told to use qualifiers. Nothing. Just if you do it, it is like you do it for me.

Take it one step further. Sit for a moment, and think who really are "the least of these"?  Who was Christ talking about?  Most people who have a testimony of God, and His love for them, would never consider themselves part of the "least". Usually, no matter the pain and heartbreak they are facing, when you talk to them about their testimony, they consider themselves rich beyond belief. So, wouldn't it make sense that the "least" might be those who have lost their way? They might be someone who currently is scamming someone? They might be someone who sometimes lies and cheats.  (Not that I am saying not to serve those who have a testimony!)  Christ never told us to worry about it. He  doesn't hold us accountable to have to decide who is worthy of our service and love. Instead, He says, do it to any of My Fathers children, because He loves them all! Don't worry about picking and choosing. Instead just serve, and it will be like you are serving me! And Christ is more than worthy of our love and service.

As I have grown older, I have tried to work toward this philosophy. I have tried to learn how it never hurts to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone!  It is always better to realize that faults and weaknesses of a person are just faults and weaknesses, they aren't the person themselves. I am slowly learning how to always hold that benefit of a doubt closer to my heart and mind than any judgments that pass through, and ya know what? I find myself to be happier! I find that although sometimes I am wrong, often times I am right! And I have found I would rather be an optimist and wrong, then a pessimist and right, especially when judging others.  Hopefully I can help someone move a bit closer to feeling valuable, and loved, to becoming the person they want to become. And if I don't, it doesn't matter. My acts won't be ignored by God, and I will be happier because of the choices I make.

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