Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What Did I Learn?

Last Sunday, my ward and stake boundaries were changed, leaving me in a new ward and a new stake.  Sadly I knew this meant I would lose a calling which has meant so much to me these past few years, Stake Girls Camp Director.  I received a call yesterday to go meet with the member of the Stake Presidency who had been over me during this last girls camp, and I had the dreaded "exit interview", not dreaded because of any reason but I didn't want to give this up because I can't imagine which calling could ever be as much fun, and yet still give me such a chance for growth.

As I sat there in the interview, I was asked a question I had never really contemplated before.  "What did you learn from holding this calling?"  I had often times contemplated what I wanted the girls to learn, how I felt they could learn best, how to make things better, how to be prepared for anything, but never really what I got from having the calling.  I simply was happy to have the calling, and although I feel I have grown so much, I never really sat down and enumerated what I had learned.   I felt a bit flustered as I tried to explain what I have learned, but I also know I forgot an awful lot as I sat there in the chair remembering everything that has happened over these years.  Hopefully, by writing this post I will remember what I learned throughout life.

Lesson #1:  If we had any idea of how very much our Heavenly Father loves us, we would never want to stray from Him. 
This lesson came a few different times in a few different ways.  The first time I felt it was when I received the call.  I was going through a rough patch, partially due to some trials in my distant past which still were haunting me.  Because of some betrayal of others, I was struggling with forgiving others when they hurt me.  I was sitting in church once, and we sang the song "More Holiness Give Me".  One of the stanzas ends with the phrase, "More fit for the kingdom, more used would I be, More blessed and holy, More, Savior, like Thee."   I had felt for awhile that I could do more, and be more, if only given the opportunity.  I said a prayer asking why I wasn't used more, why I wasn't being the chance to help with the church more, and how I felt so incompetent and unneeded.  I had a very strong prompting that God was waiting on me to take care of my own heartbreaks so He could fully use me.  I admit, I had tried, unsuccessfully, to bury the whole trial and everything that came with it, the hurt, the pain, so far down, I didn't want to dig it back up.  But, I also knew it was time.  I admit, it was not an easy thing.  But I went to some counseling, learned more about forgiveness than I had ever known, and through the process grew closer to my Heavenly Father, as well as my loved ones.  Soon after I felt I could handle my past, and move on, I was given this calling.  I was told by the Stake Young Women's president the final night of our first girls camp how she felt so strongly when she submitted my name, and she knew I was the one that was needed for that calling, I just don't know if she understood how much I needed the calling.  I also know to some this might seem like a silly calling to feel it was such an honor, but to me it was a calling which I could magnify and that I would get the opportunity to work with the youth, and have fun! To me this is a dream calling, and luckily God knows me well enough to know what I need.  Receiving the calling at all was a huge testament to me of God's love for me, as well as His trust in my abilities.
There were also moments at camp where I was able to see from God's perspective, how amazing each Daughter of God is, and how much He loves them.  The first year I was able to be the one to help each girl get harnessed into the zip-line.  It wasn't much time, but I had about 3 minutes one on one time to talk to them face to face, and get to know them a bit more.  Each one had something so special about her, and regardless of if it was the first day, when every one is excited and CLEAN, or the last day where they were all grimy and maybe a bit sleep deprived, each one sparkled, and you could see that they were truly God's children.  
When we had the Stake testimony meetings, I think I saw more clearly than ever how much God loves each and every girl (the only problem being when I can see something that sure and that strong, it makes me tend to babble, so hopefully the girls were able to feel the spirit regardless of my lack of "public speaking" skills).
I don't think any of us truly comprehend our Father's complete love for us, but every glimpse we get is so valuable!
Lesson 2: God Answers Prayers About Everything!!
With each camp, there were some differences that came due to answers to prayers.  One year we felt very strongly to mix up the wards.  We got a lot of concern over that decision, but we felt the need to do it, although I don't know for sure that any of us knew why ahead of time.  As camp came, and as we went through the week, it was interesting.  There were some girls who were struggling who truly grew from this experience.  There were girls who needed to grow in certain ways, and this choice allowed them that opportunity.  After camp I had a few people tell me they were sorry they had questioned the decision, because they had seen some results with their girls, and were so thankful that we followed through (however, none of them had acted in any way where they had need to apologize).  I would have never expected the situations to arise which made these miracles possible.  God did.  He knew what needed to be in place. He knew how to set up the situation.  I honestly don't think it made girls camp easier, but our lives aren't always made to be easy. Often times, our lives are made for us to grow.
The last camp was filled with "answers to prayers".  Whether it be the prayers issued from the day we heard there might not be any running water at the campsite (try bringing up enough water for 500 for a week? oy!) that were issued from January until July, when we finally got notice water was restored, or the prayers that somehow the skies cleared for just long enough to let the activities the wonderful seminary teachers prepared be carried out.  There were prayers asking for some way to get all the girls on the zip-line (which couldn't be used during bad weather, a huge portion of camp this year), to prayers asking the potentially very dangerous storm to pass (which it suddenly disappeared into nothing).  There were plenty of prayers and blessings given to those who were sick, and for those who were homesick and needed comfort.  There were prayers asking for us to somehow figure out housing situations, to blessings just on food to give us the needed energy to keep running camp.  It didn't seem to matter how small or large the problem was, prayer always seemed to be the answer. And every time we asked, we were sent a solution.   
Lesson 3: If You Truly Plan and Prepare, Heavenly Father Will Make Sure "Everything Will Work Out"
 This lesson goes along with the last one quite well.  We planned and planned.  One whole year of planning.  We planned as a Youth Camp Leader committee, we planned as the Stake Young Women's presidency, we planned with our High Counsel and Stake Presidency leaders.  We planned with the Ward Leadership. We planned with the cooking committee. I even remember a few meetings where we planned how to plan! 
We prepared! We took TONS of food.  We had plenty of activities.  We had schedules of this and that.  We had assignments made.  We knew what was going to happen, and how we were going to help it happen!
Then it happened, and it did not go completely according to plan! No amount of random supplies pulled out of my "Mary Poppins" backpack could solve every problem.  No amount of planning could have let us foresee every problem we encountered.  I think sometimes we are given a problem we couldn't foresee simply to remind us to rely on our Heavenly Father.  I believe He wants us to remember how He always makes things end up right side up and good, even when we don't know how it will be accomplished.  Luckily, often times He is kind enough to teach this with small lessons (such as trying to find refuge housing due to possible collapsing roofs) rather than in big ways (such as illness or losing a job).  It is up to us to realize what His gentle lesson means, so we can have the faith later when we face a larger trial.  Somehow, it always works out when we have faith in God.   
Lesson 4: Young Women Rock (especially my YCLs)!
Especially the YCL's (Youth Camp Leaders), and all those young women who were in the Rose Canyon Stake! I love ya all to bits!! I wanted the young women to take up the reigns and lead! And they did! My YCLs amazed me! There were a few hiccups the first day, as we all learned what was needed and how to make things work, but as I dumped responsibilities on them, and let them know what needed to be done, it would magically get done! From Birthday Patrol, to cleaning the bathrooms, it didn't matter! They saw a need, and they fulfilled it!! 
Of course, even those that weren't YCL's were amazing! Whether it be jumping off the edge for the zip-line (or asking me to push them off) because they were so scared, doing the obstacle course, or just being amazing friends to their fellow camp mates.  The Young Women are awesome!
Lesson 5: Attitude is Everything!
Ok. This one I didn't learn at camp, but the lesson was reinforced big time!  With hundreds of girls, and the logistics that come with that, there are bound to be some problems! A few had were such as "Ok.. which group do we put in the Never-Never Land campsite 50 miles away and force to walk in a few times a day" [and I appreciate none of those wards forming a lynching party!], to "We have an activity planned on the ball field, and it is raining cats and dogs, now what?"  In every case, there were two choices.  (1) Complain. (2) Don't complain.  In the camp this last year, it was the camp of  "Plan B".  It was the camp where everything changed once we got there, and nothing stayed the same due to forces outside our control.  Nothing seemed to cooperate with the original plan.  If you looked at it from the outside, there were times that it could have been the "worst of times", but the girls decided to make it the "best of times". 
But when I look at the groups who were the most happy, smile-y, cheerful they were the ones who decided to be happy!  In some ways, it seemed almost as if the fact they knew (due to weather and possible camp placement) they might have a hard time, and so they already knew they needed to decide to be happy, made it easier for them to be happy regardless of situation (even when there is a freak storm warning at midnight, and they have to hike, through the rain, all the way back to the lodge.  For crying out loud, that midnight game night in the lodge was actually quite fun!)  Attitude doesn't take away any trials, but attitude definitely makes trials more bearable, or even sometimes enjoyable!  
Of course, there are other lessons, such as how many hands make work light (As it came closer to the camp, I kept trying to find more stuff that needed to be done, and would discover there wasn't anything left!) First off there was my Assistant and the Stake YW Presidency who would do anything and everything to help! Even make up 500 "mud cups" in their kitchen, run around finding supplies, or help me get my head around stuff! To my amazing Head Chef who planned for, cooked, and fed everyone there with her wonderful staff (her job was way more difficult than mine!), and  the Priesthood leaders who were always coming to the rescue, whether it be someone needing a blessings, magically finding tents/trailers for 40+ people who were "homeless" #Refuge, to the ward YW leaders who were there doing everything 24/7!  There were lessons learned of how true love is found (ok.. so those "finding your eternal companion stories with the YCL's till 2am were suppose to be for them, but heck, I am a romantic at heart! And I will never forget some of the lines, such as "You will never find anyone better than me!"  Bwahahaha!) There were lessons on misunderstandings, and how although they can lead to stress, it will all work out.  There was also the lesson on how to dig a trench around a tent so you don't get a river flowing through it, and how iPhones can come back to life at 5am after a near drowning (#SquishyLives), but we won't go there!
Being a girls camp leader is a calling that will always be dear to my heart, and I will sincerely miss! I know there are plenty of other lessons I learned, and I know there are plenty I learned, and just slipped my mind. Luckily the friendships and knowledge I gained will be something that I can keep with me forever! And even though I no longer have the calling, I still won't mind those random hugs from girls I get when at the grocery store, or walking through the school halls!

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