Saturday, October 10, 2015

Everyday miracles

Some people see coincidences, some karma, I believe in calling things miracles and giving credit where credit is due, to an almighty loving Heavenly Father.

Last night I experienced one of these miracles.  For years I have suffered with advanced early onset arthritis. My knees have limited Cartledge. About a week and a half ago, due to the pain becoming more intense, I Went in for a synvisc shot. I have had these multiple times, and never had any issues or reactions, and the effects for me have been amazing. Once again I had no real issues, and went happily on my way. Now fast forward to a week later. 

I had accompanied Tommy to a business conference he had in Las Vegas for the week. During the week, my leg was becoming a bit more stiff every night, and towards the end of the week was becoming painful with a limited range of motion. I didn't worry too much. With my history of arthritis this wasn't a rare occurrence.

As the week ended, we began driving the 5 hour drive back home. During the drive, my knee and leg began to swell, and swell, and swell. We decided to head to instacare to have it looked at, and supposed the symptoms likely meant a blood clot of some sort.  The pain at this point was quite intense and the drive was difficult to muster through.

When I arrived, after not falling down while walking in, which was quite a feat, they quickly got me back, and the nurse also suspected the same. She discussed the likelihood of needing an ultrasound to diagnose, and was checking on if the tech was around.

When the doctor came in to examine me, he asked me about my recent synvisc shot. I explained the situation, and he said he was a sport medicine Doctor and had seen this only twice in his career.  He said it was a rare reaction to the synvisc shot, and although they normally didn't treat this at instacare, he had treated it a couple times and would be happy to take care of it. 

He brought the nurse in with him, and he explained the situation, which she admitted she had never heard of. He then injected a huge needle into my knee land whisky she pushed all the swelling, he extracted a large amount of fluid, replaced it with some cortisone, and sent me walking easily out to the parking.lot with no pain. 
Some would call it a coincidence. Some luck. The fact that the doctor knew of a rare side effect that the nurse had never heard of, and which my own searches online couldn't find, Is a blessing in my eyes. Being able to sleep comfortably with no pain is a minor miracle. Being able to avoid expensive unneeded tests, an added miracle. 
God does watch over us in so many ways!! So grateful for his protecting arm around me!

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